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Malware can't hide

Add an essential layer of defense to your security stack. Identify and analyze known and unknown malware, even if buried deep within your network  — rapidly and at scale.

Find Security Vulnerabilities You Didn't Know You Had

Discover Vulnerabilities That the Competition Just Can’t Find

Reduce cybersecurity risk.

Use our patented technology to automate the process of reverse-engineering and rigorously analyze everything from individual files to network drives and cloud storage buckets. Build a defense so automated that even your intern becomes a cybersecurity expert.

Increase protection

Identify Suspicious Behaviors and Unreported Malware Faster

Reduce time to discovery.

Reduce response time from days to minutes or hours. CodeHunter does the work of an experienced team of malware reverse engineers at record speed so you can focus on the rest of your job while we detect new threats.

Increase proactive Response

Upskill Your Cybersecurity Workforce

Reduce the cybersecurity skills gap.

CodeHunter empowers your entire tech team (even that one guy who desperately tries to look busy all day) to rapidly identify otherwise undiscoverable cybersecurity threats.

Increase Performance

A Powerful, Automated Malware Lab at Your Fingertips.

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Cybersecurity Expert & Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University

"CodeHunter's approach is the kind of future-leading technology we need: Analysis that can predict malicious behavior instead of waiting for malware to be found and cataloged before we can do something about it."